PinnedValuing EphemeralityThe rise of logged chat systems for work introduces a new place to miss things. I recommend treating missed chat as missed conversation.Nov 17, 2020Nov 17, 2020
Published inLeaky AbstractionsC&S Workspace and Community Center will close December 2024Code & Supply Co. remains active otherwise and will continue all other operations.Oct 2, 2024Oct 2, 2024
Published inLeaky AbstractionsC&S celebrates ten years of Global Day of CoderetreatCode & Supply hosted Coderetreat, a day-long practice of pair programming & test-driven development that prioritizes process over product.Nov 5, 2023Nov 5, 2023
How I participate in a cornucopia of chat communitiesTL;DR location fending, time-boxing, and conserving keystrokesMay 6, 2021May 6, 2021
Published inLeaky AbstractionsCode & Supply in the pandemic2020 was a rough year for the world, and it was for C&S, too. We did some cool stuff and we’re keeping it going into 2021. Read for deets.Jan 7, 2021Jan 7, 2021
On statues, southern heritage, and historical revisionismA response to the miseducation of the Rust Belt millennial about the history of the Confederate States of America and white supremacy.Oct 25, 2020Oct 25, 2020
Published inLeaky AbstractionsAbstractions is skipping 20202019 was a fantastic challenge and we hit our objectives. However, we’re taking some time off to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Read why.Dec 19, 2019Dec 19, 2019
Equipping a home office for your new remote jobSo you’ve got a shiny new remote job but a dusty old office at home, if you even have dedicated space you can call an office! How do you…Feb 11, 2019Feb 11, 2019
Published inHackerNoon.comWhy I stopped bringing my laptop to meetingsHow leaving work at my desk has helped me concentrate and engage while encouraging others to do the same and has kept meetings on task.Dec 27, 20172Dec 27, 20172
The Power of Partying: Radical PositivityIt’s no secret that Andrew W.K. is one of my favorite musical acts. A long time ago, my mother asked me what kind of music he plays. I…Dec 11, 2017Dec 11, 2017